Thursday, September 15, 2005


JSF Tile Mechanism

I've encountered some problems regarding the jsf tile mechanism like jsf tags not appropriately mixing with other standard html tags, but (i think) i found the solution.

The template is now ready, all we have to do now is to edit the content part of our assigned modules, which is in a separate jsp page. If you need to change something in the header / menu / footer parts just tell me.

UVLĂȘ Forums Summer version

The old forums module is in "Studio Creator Version" so it needs some alteration to fit the current specs. I'm now trying to convert the database part of it because the old version is using a weird (but somewhat easier, especially for drag-and-droppers, a.k.a DADers) jdbc / database implementation. This is the major part that needs modification.

After completing this modification, I will study RSS, which i have no idea on how to use / implement / or even what it is. (doh)


At 12:38 PM, Blogger mac.n.tux said...

Do not reinvent the wheel. There are open source libraries for RSS and Atom. Just be sure that you understand the licenses.


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