Thesis Paper Under Construction!
For a sneak peek of the Final Thesis Paper of the UVLE 3.0, you may visit
Draft of the Final Paper
Final Poster v3.0
Due to problems uploading the poster here, please use the link below to see yet another version of our poster for the symposium:

poster.. err.. final na ba?
UVLE 3.0 Presentation Script Under Construction!
Want to view our script as it is constructed?
Presentation Script
Non-JSF components and JSF components are out of order!
(article could be found and edited at
The UVLE 3.0 Wiki)
Sometimes, when you expect a JSF component beside some non-JSF component, (say a normal HTML tag, a JSTL tag, or something else), ordering gets mixed and really messed up, especially if you are using Struts Tiles for templating. For example:
Hello, <h:outputText value="#{user.displayName}">!
One will expect it to appear as:
Hello, Mang Jose!
However, there are times when things go badly and appear as:
Mang Jose
This is due to the difference in rendering approach between Tiles, ordinary JSP, and JSF (links to references will be provided after the developer has done the project and has more time in his hands). It has been highly recommended that a JSF enabled page must be fully rendered by JSF to solve this out of synching. One way to do this is by using <f:verbatim>, a tag that renders anything inside it as plain text, including JSF tags, and any other tags for that matter (hence the name). Thus, we do this as:
<f:verbatim>Hello, </f:verbatim><h:outputText value="#{user.displayName}"><f:verbatim>!</f:verbatim>
no, not the HBO original series..
i found this... holidays... must work... damn halaman missile...
ROME is a set of Atom/RSS Java utilities that make it easy to work in Java with most syndication formats.
Today it accepts all flavors of RSS (0.90, 0.91 Netscape, 0.91 Userland, 0.92, 0.93, 0.94, 1.0 and 2.0) and Atom 0.3 feeds.
ROME includes a set of parsers and generators for the various flavors of syndication feeds, as well as converters to convert from one format to another. The parsers can give you back Java objects that are either specific for the format you want to work with, or a generic normalized SyndFeed class that lets you work on with the data without bothering about the incoming or outgoing feed type.
Dear Blog 3
Just a few minutes after posting Dear Blog 2, i found the solution for the linebreak-in-a-dataTable problem.
I'll try to replicate the problem ardee encountered, which i call the start-your-webapp-name-with-the-word-faces-problem. The f*ces problem for short. I think i've seen that before (last sembreak)
Dear Blog 2
JSF, as usual
Developing using JSF can be fun (*cough) and most of the time, extremely irritating. Although i feel more comfortable using JSF than Struts. (dormraiders rulez!)
Ive encountered numerous JSF related problems and somewhat managed to find solutions. Most of the time a solution will give rise to other (worse) problems. Eventually, you'll end up fixing all these problems with the most elegant (quiwa) solution.
Should you encounter some JSF related problems, contact me if you need help. Chances are i've already seen them and hopefully, i've already found the solution. If i dont, well, at least we can share the burden. I'd be happy to research for the solution (that's what i've been doing ever since). And of course, if you have a problem, it's everybody else's problem. We should be working together to finish (*cough) UVLe.
I'll try to update the JSF wiki. I just have some more problems to attend to. (like how to display a linebreak. The html pre tag does not work inside the dataTable component, but it works fine outside that UIComponent. darn)
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The UvleWiki serves as a knowledge and technology repository of the developers of the UVLE 3.0. The implementation of UVLE 3.0 will necessitate many different technologies, and thus a single UVLE developer might be overwhelmed by the development learning curve the project imposes. By centralizing tutorials, how-to's, installation instructions, and external web references, among others into one convenient page, at the same time decentralizing content source and control by giving each developer the power to contribute and modify such tutorials, UvleWiki aims to lower the learning curve, and to encourage sharing of knowledge among developers to speed up the development.